Sunday, 7 June 2009

7 June

So here i am back in the cosy uk. Feels weird as shit. Anyway, they are some last details that I must go over before I could even consider this blog as being finalised.
So last weekend Clive took me to my first BUSH RAVE!! I guess the nearest thing they have in the uk is the orbital raves around the M25. Well it was a three hour drive - me, clive and the humble driver whos name I could never even pronounce never mind spell, but ill have a go - crytoman - or someone along those lines. Well anyway they both have indian origins. But ive never met crazier people, Clive is especially mecurial - last time we went out into sydney togther with the hostel people, he got beaten up by bouncers, twice as he and the great deutch boys managed to find about 30 free schooners from the last bar we went too - when i say 'find' they really went to the bar upstairs which is open with no security and let havoc loose, it was hilarious, they kept coming out of nowhere holding about 12 schooners between them. Then the stupid move - naturally i was curious where these drinks were coming from and so clive took me upstairs. We started the pouring but one of the bouncers came up, he was getting suspicious! Ha - well anyway back to last weekend.
The guy had ur average youthful toyota - but the engine was powerful compared to uk cars - but that goes for all oz cars - 2 litres or such. Anyway it was a 3hour drive - we loaded up on booze on the way and then tore down the highway heading north, towards newcastle. After two hours we started to get into the wilderness, long winding roads with few signs of settlement. At first the odd light, with fences and maybe even a tracktor, but pretty soon pitch black. As we got closer we could faintly hear some tribal beats echoing. This is the point of mass dirtiness on the cars part. These hills strang out of nowhere, steep as hell. With the metal to the peddle and crytoman swinging the wheel furiosly from left to right we tried to fly up them. Me and clive had to keep going out to reduce weight and then push to help him; this happened about 5 times. Then there was suddenly a queue behind us. We let the 4by4 pass, which elegantly spun by, mud flying everywhere. Ah yes, i forgot to mention, it was raining hard and so was muddy as hell, the car got a new coating that night. After this 4by4 a caravan tried its luck, even this badboy couldnt make this hill. But second time it made it. Then finally crytoman came soaring up like a bullet. Apparently he really liked that car. Well in a way it proved itself. Apparently in the following days he was saying the suspension wasnt so great.
We finally got up there, mud all over me leather jacket and face. And the rest of the night was sheer madness, there was like a dancefloor, pounding trance, with a big spider net woven over the top of eveything, and bright phlospherent lights from the music, big red love hearts glowing translucently. I got taking to this really hot chick. But then got distracted somehow by the several fires - it was a pyromaniacs heaven the place. Then all i can say is the most intense, craziest night crept up and bang! Out there! Suddenly hit by the wave and all features became featureless and all beings and beers beatiful as if they had been there, locked in this paradise, since the dawn of man. A crazy day.
The light came up and an assortment of freaks with dreads and colourful hair were on the dancefloor. Clive among them, letting the music breathe inside of him.
We gt out of there later. What a hangover cure - regional NSW, breathtaking views of greenery with trees so dense and luscious and little trickles of springs and gentle, undulating rivers, with the land being pasteurized. We could see the hills that we had came up, and obviously wen still had some mental ones on the way back, but didnt ever need to get out. Which I doubt we ever would have bothered with. It was crazy what we had managed to get up.
Anyway - that was that night. We got dropped off at a train station and talked bollocks to stranger all the way back to newtown. I had to work later that night, which i somehow got away with.

Also, before the rave - rich was like theres gonna be a surprise for you. And the next day johnny was broke. He'd had a great time up the east coast but was broke. It was great to have a last week wit the dude. For awhile i chilled.
We went out for my last night, clive me johnny and two of the girls joined us later. We went to kings cross and met josh - the crazy nut who got kicked out of the abbey. It was great fun. But I got into a fight later - and thats why ive come back with a black-eye! HEHE! Anyway it feels strange being back. Stopping off at bangkok on the way back - the sweltering heat geting out of the airpor, wit the tropical plans - made me realise how gutted i was i ddnt get to do asia - well for the future!!
So thats my epic adventure, said gdbye to all the lovely ppl of the abbey, shoudl have some money coming into my anz, when richard pays my bet money in, which I think was arriving the day after I left australia! And also some tax money will go in mid-july. So there it is. Read well, live well, and hope to drinking with you all soon!xxxx

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