Thursday, 28 May 2009

28th May

So heres the situation.
My flight is booked for 3.30 tomos. I was thinking bout putting it back to this tuesday, and I probably still could if i rang them early enough tomos morning. Anyway, i was watching champions league final last night at 4.30am so slept most of the day away. Then went down to albertos restaurant - I feel bad, because the p[lace is great, the manager seems really cool, and it actually looks like a really cool place to work. But the guy is talking bout training me up for 2 weeks and such, and talking like hes expecting me to be there a while. I asked about the money, and he said he could pay me after each shift if i wanted. So I could do a few shifts \, cos im still paid for training and then just high-tail it out - but as i said this would be completely dishonest, the blokes a gd guy, i dont really want to f**k him over - all for the sake of a few bucks - it probs wouldnt amount to that much, what with rent and all. Its a shame cos ive just finally managed to find decent work, which would sustain me - but the deadline is fast approaching.
About the tax - ive been filling it out online, but its complicvated and long-winded - my mate rich has gone to an accountant, it'll take him 2-4 weeks to get it - and me online takes 6 weeks. So tbh i really might not bother, its not that much anyway.

At the moment i've got $170, i got another shift at the week at the adult store, which gave me a little more. And obviously with paying rent tomos, ill be $120 down.
So basically what im thinking is i should take that flight tomorow. See how long i can survive in bangkok and then get a flight home. Im completely pissed off about asia - i have no money for it, and the passport thing buggered me.

The bet money - so obviously i shud be getting $530 from tabcorp. They still haven't even notified me if i got the money - but if anythings fair then i shud be getting it. My mate rich says he'll pay it into my anz account and take a 10% stake for doing it. I think ill take him up on it, cos the money would help pay off certain credit card debts and such.
Ill need to go ealry tomos to tell anz that ill be going to thailand to use account there. Thats if i leave.
But im more for leaving tomos than staying.
Any advice from yours truly(anyone, but especially parents) would be appreciated on my curent predicament. But really I want to be leaving very soon. I just dont no - cos hanging on i may be able to get more shifts at adult shop, which would help - and obviously go to accountant for tax purposes and maybe get my bet money - but tbh i dont even no if that bet money will ever arrive.
Tabcorp are complete bastards to be honest, when I had to pay for the damaged ticket form i could sent off a cheque or money oreder (i went for the latter) but they have a policy of only sending me the MONEY! 500 in hard cash in an envelope! And im sure they wouldnt listen if that 500 dollars would "somehow" slip into the wrong hands on the way to me.
Anyway-enough anger. Ive also been having fun - the hostel is a great atmosphere - one thing that strikes me is that these travellers are pretty much broke, or indeed very poor, but there always ready to gave. Ive had several gourmet meals that have been cooked for me and others at the hostel - swedish meatballs, chicken cooked in coke, sushi, indian prok ribs from clive - great indian mate who wants to take me to a 'bush rave' this weekend, one of the reasons i wanted to stay on - but this would no doubt be a serious drain on the funds. I always shout them a beer to say thanks, and i cooked up loads of tacos last night for everyone. Ive always been generous, back at home as well, but ive noticed that the generosity that you gave with these sort of ppl always come back to you, theres always someone who will give u a beer, food or any other commodity - whereas back in the uk it wasnt so much like that - probs cos i mainly associate with middle-class wankers! Obviously not directed to my friends there.

Anyway so thats it. Advice? Much love, be seeing you all soon, excited bout seeing the lovely ppl of uk, and the great country of england and all its splendors. xx

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