Monday, 2 February 2009

Adelaide and such...

Thanks Dan. Weird story on that one. The beard and the goatee went; Frankie's regulations at the adult shop were to be clean-shaven. I didn't really do it because of that but because I wanted to, so for awhile I looked as youthful as you! Me and harry both got a haircut aswell! So my hairs shorter, Oh and we got this german girl to die it black, harrys bluey-black, but it looks well kl. My beard is definately up-and-going now tho, although its not a beard yet, but Im just letting it grow full-on this time - i plan to look like a bum so nothing dodgy happens to me in Thailand!
And to father, I've managed to get me and harry a stay at Alice Springs for 4 days, so we can take in the mighty Uluru. Then on the 9th we're back up to Darwin, arriving on the 10th.

Whats going on?: I didnt think I would be able to get work at Good Vibrations, but they got back to me saying that their were jobs available in recycling! Hell, I don't care the festival would be worth it. Their looking for more workers so Ill see if Harry wants to do it. It'll be on the 21st on the gold coast so need to get a flight from Darwin sorted. Website link is:
Theres some great dance-bands, me and has both luv deadmau5!!!
Anyway about Darwin, when I went to doctors (to pick up subscription pills for IBS, which set me back $60!) she said Darwin is hot as here (45 degrees) but is 100% humid, so things are constantly wet, easy to pick up infections as well so prob wont want to stay too long!

On the train from Adelaide to Alice you can book tours, stuff like Quad-biking which Im def doing! And From ALice to Darwin you stop at place called Katherine for while where Im gonna do Caneoing and such.

About Adeliade: Nice place, its got a cool market which me and has checked out.

Theres free rental on bikes at hostel, so I followed a suggested (by hostel guy) trip along the river which ends up at Henley Beach, lovely beach, not very touristy - lots of black people, very black and speaking another language, perhaps the ghetoo is near there.
The ride really took it out of me, about 2 hours in the peak heat because I left about 2. Theres really nice visuals along river tho, lots of greenery and some shade. I swam and ate fish and chips at beach, harrys lazy so didnt come, he doesnt like beaches so much.
Way back was easier at first because cooler, but it got really dark and I got lost and came to place caqlled Hackney, managed to get back on ride but was stopped by a cop! He was a nice enough guy luckily from wales, but apparently its illegal to ride without helmet - he let me go on a "verbal warning". But it really killed me, my leg muscles were dying and my throat haws never been so parched. It was all fun tho, and I slept well that night.
The hostel kindda chilled, me and has went out to pub to watch footie, I got bit pissed last night and finished all my wine. We've packed all our stuff today-

I almost forgot, my bag is so heavy I threw out aload of clothes. All the socks, which were stupid thing to bring, some underwear, one of the t-shirts my rents sent, I dont no why I let you convince me I needed more t-shirts mum! Less really is more on these ventures - and lastly I threw out my towell, I've got another nicer one that I bought anyway, and its just loading up my stuff.

Apart from that, lovely weather again, a bit cooler now.
I hear its torrential snow in the uk, enjoy the snow-days.
Everything else seems fine and dandy, so enjoy the blog, whoever you are reading and wherever your from...

much love tomx

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