Monday, 19 January 2009

21st January

I'vewritten more about my experiences in my travel journal. But tokeep everyone informed; we're staying on william st.which is hectic busy with cars, its a main road into city, and our room faces roadso loud at alltimes,lucky i got those ear plugs fromn heron island. We've been alonein our room apart from a german girl who stayed couple nights before back to germany.She was funny, gave me somecontacts, she said one year wastooshort! Harry thinlking bout keeping his dates the same, but I wantto extend mystay. Igot the job at the adult store, its reallynot bad at all, infact very fun.Youmostly get couples at the place whowant to flame up their sex-life.The boss,Franky,is well safe. I worked a night shift, $140 in the back-pocket,but it really hurt my IBS,I had apainful morning. Looking to get outofsydney though.Carpools have fallen through a bit though,goingto try and organise bus trip.